If you’ve passed Quals, you can apply for a MS degree while you’re working on your Ph.D., and maybe get a sweet blanket!

Just fill out the information at this sweet link 👇

GRS Intent to Graduate for a MA-MS Degree


What qualifications do I need to get the MS degree?

You need to have completed all of the required coursework and passed Quals.

What does the blanket look like?

Well, to be clear, it is uncertain whether one will actually get a blanket. When Ph.D. candidate Ahmed Youssef got his Masters degree, he ended up with this bad boy in the mail alongside his MS certificate:

Image from iOS.jpg

How quickly can I get my MS degree after passing Quals?

The poster child for this process, Ahmed, passed his exam in May 2020 and recieved the degree in the January 2021 cycle. He had satisfied all course requirements and credits.

How should I answer the question, “Will you be submitting a formal thesis as part of your degree program?”

Since this is referring to the complimentary MS degree, you should answer “No.”


Is this the same link I would use if I wanted to “master out” of the program?

Likely, yes. But any questions about going down that path need to be directed to the admins.